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Coffee Grading


Criteria Used for Grading Coffee Beans

The grade of coffee beans is a quality designation that is based upon specified criteria.

Grading criteria may include coffee bean size, coffee bean hardness (e.g., density), growing altitude, color, aroma, number of bean imperfections or defects (e.g., hollow, deformed, chipped, nicked, etc.), purity of coffee bean type/plant type (e.g., botanical variety, varietal), the number under-ripe beans and/or over-ripe beans, the processing method used to extract the beans from the coffee cherry (fruit), mildew/moldiness, moisture content, and the quality of the cup of brewed coffee produced by the coffee beans.


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Kenyan coffee beans, which are some of the world’s finest, are carefully graded after harvest. The coffee beans are separated (sorted) and rated by bean size as well as color, shape, and density. The largest and best coffee beans from Kenya are graded Kenya AA.

While it is true in general that larger coffee beans usually contain more of the precious oils that create the brewed coffee’s flavor and aroma, there are also other factors besides bean size that may be just as important to the coffee beans’ quality, and professional coffee tasters (cuppers) will continue to debate whether bean size necessarily equates to a better quality of roasted, ground, brewed coffee.

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Electronic and Mechanical Coffee Bean Grading

Electronic and mechanical grading – by size, weight, shape, and color – takes place after the Kenya Coffee beans are milled and isolates the best coffee beans while also removing any defective beans that may add an off-taste to an otherwise gourmet coffee.


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In Kenya grading mechanism the resulting grades are described as follows:

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